Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

The Changing Culture of Mobile Phones

In France at least (which is good, because we usually only get a very Anglo-Saxon view of these things). Experientia have translated the summary of a report by …

Evolution of Dance vs. Titanic

I’ve just been chatting with my online students in Australia about emerging media and it led me to do some quick sums on the merits of Titanic, the …

Podcast of Creative Collaboration and The Future of Education

If you have been missing the sound of my voice (or have no idea what my faltering, mumbling sounds like) the podcast of my seminar at Urban Learning Space about …

Search people in video

Interesting video search beta over at Reuters Labs that allows you to search for people in videos by just entering their name as a text query (obvious that part …

What is education worth?

Interesting piece in the Guardian about a new (but already out of date) British Council report (PDF link) on what education is worth to the UK. I’ve …

Sorry Goodby, Silverstein & Partners!

Thanks to Jim Coudal (I love the giant ‘Finally’ on at the moment too) and Sidney Bosley from Goodby, Silverstein & Partners for …

Interactive Banner Ad from Adobe

I interacted with a banner ad today, and actually enjoyed it. Adobe’s Creative License campaign is currently on display at Coudal Partners’ Layer …