Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Digital media discussion after the horse has bolted

Anyone would think owning a TV station was a good idea. The Australian’s Mark Day wrote a couple of insightful articles today about Senator Helen …

Guardian launches 'Comment is Free'

Guardian Unlimited has just launched its new multi-writer blog and communtiy called Comment is Free. Not only are the writers of high calibre (which will make …


Check out Retrievr - it allows you to search the Flickr image archive by drawing a sketch (or uploading another picture) instead of by tags. A kind of visual …

My 'Time Sketches' on display at the Powerhouse Museum

I’m very pleased to announce that two of my interactive works are currently on display at the Powerhouse Museum thanks to the wonderful people over at the …

WP Lightbox plug-in

I have just installed Safirul Alredha’s Wordpress plugin version of Lokesh Dhakar’s Lightbox scripts to display pop-up images in a more pleasant way …

Flagr - tagging all over the world

It had to happen: Flagr is a combination of Google Maps, Flickr and Delicious wrapped up in a nice AJAX interface. Basically it allows you to …

Cock-A-Doodle new from Poke

Check out the excellent and hilarious new offering from my pals at Poke called Cock-A-Doodle. Great to see Flash becoming less vector-shash and great to see …