Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Backup iTunes online with Bandwagon

I’ve been struggling with separate iTunes libraries on different machines for a while now and I also made a stupid command line error a few weeks back …

Magic Mirror

The Big Space have created a Magic Mirror for retail environments. It utilises RFID tags and a rear projection onto a mirror (and, of course, magic) to blend …

Interview with United Visual Artists

I wrote a little while back about UVA and onepointsix’s installation at the V&A; called Volume and it generated some discussion about the work. I …

70max - cheaper, safer, greener

Live|Work have just put together a new collective action website called 70max aimed at encouraging people to slow down and reduce accidents and carbon …

Macbook or Macbook Pro?

or I’m about to upgrade machines and it’s time to go Macbook or Macbook Pro (the 15"). It wouldn’t be a primary design machine, so the …

Têtes à Claques

One of my more brilliant ex-students, Gabi, just sent me this link to the very disturbing Têtes à Claques. It’s all in French and my schoolboy French …

Muscle Memory and the Wii

What with all the cool things people are doing with Wiimotes I nearly bought a Wii yesterday, but wasn’t terribly convinced by the games. This post from …