Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

An image is worth 1,000 Twitters

Flickrvision, just so much more interesting than Twittervision. Via the Nic.

How children use the Internet

I found Richard Sarson’s piece, The Kids Are Alright Online, over at the Guardian interesting today. He interviews children about their internet usage and …

Joost Invites

So, I’ve been playing with Joost a bit and it looks like it’s going to become something pretty near to an alternative to television. At the moment …

Tiny phone. Not.

This e-mail flyer from Act Now contained this gem demonstrating not only a ridiculous fear of litigation, but also a lack of understanding of resolution …

John Gruber on the iPhone

John Gruber is one of the few Apple advocates that writes with intelligent consideration rather than just being an over-enthused fanboy. He has just written a …

Draw on Walls, with Light

A while ago Chris O’ Shea wrote about the Philips Simplicity Project, which had a number of mainly light-based inventions, several of them interactive. …

John Maeda exhibition

I wish I was in London for it, but I’m not. John Maeda has an exhibition called Maeda; MySpace at the Riflemaker Gallery starting today. Maeda and Toshio …