Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Joost Invites

So, I’ve been playing with Joost a bit and it looks like it’s going to become something pretty near to an alternative to television. At the moment …

Tiny phone. Not.

This e-mail flyer from Act Now contained this gem demonstrating not only a ridiculous fear of litigation, but also a lack of understanding of resolution …

John Gruber on the iPhone

John Gruber is one of the few Apple advocates that writes with intelligent consideration rather than just being an over-enthused fanboy. He has just written a …

Draw on Walls, with Light

A while ago Chris O’ Shea wrote about the Philips Simplicity Project, which had a number of mainly light-based inventions, several of them interactive. …

John Maeda exhibition

I wish I was in London for it, but I’m not. John Maeda has an exhibition called Maeda; MySpace at the Riflemaker Gallery starting today. Maeda and Toshio …

Tape It Off The Internet

Nice to see the article in the Guardian about Paul Pod’s Tape It Off The Internet being almost ready to roll. I worked with Paul at Razorfish and …

Polar Clock

Clocks and calendars seem to permanently popular as interaction/Flash design subjects. John Maeda arguably started the trend, then Yugo did a few. This one from …