Doctor's Note

A mix of essays and commentary about design, innovation, technology, society, coaching, personal and leadership development. Since 1996.

Christmas Zeitgeist news from Google

Gotta love Google. They’ve posted their 2005 Zeitgeist report noting our search trends around the world. The top Google News searches of 2005 are …

3D Graffiti

One of my (most brilliant) ex-students, Gaby, just sent me this link from a friend of hers in France who does graffiti. It’s a bullet-time style version …

COFA Annual (2005)

Role: Interactive Director/Producer The Annual CD-ROM for the College of Fine Arts is always a significant logistical and creative undertaking. With almost 400 …

Sony breach copyright to prevent copyright infringement

Per Johan Johansen, code reverse engineer par excellence (he reversed-engineered much of Apple’s iTunes Music Store DRM code) has discovered Sony have …

RDC theme

I got a bit tired of the old Kubrick theme and I still have not managed to find the time to design something different. So I’m borrowing the RDC theme by …

Got a rant or a rave? Riff it.

New from Jon Hicks

Lost for music? Try Pandora.

Okay lots of bloggers have been raging about Pandora recently. It’s come from the Music Genome Project and is brilliant example of collaborative filtering …