About Me

Design Leadership Coach, Service Design & Innovation Consultant, Educator, Writer, Keynote Speaker, Podcaster

Design Leadership Coach, Service Design & Innovation Consultant
Educator, Writer, Keynote Speaker, Podcaster

You can read more information about the services I offer here.

Below is a bio written in the third person for ease of copying and pasting by conferences and publications. A plaintext Markdown version is available here and you can find a formal CV here.


Here is a collection of print and web resolution headshots.

Bio (Shortest - 33 words)

Dr. Andy Polaine is a design leadership coach, educator and writer with three decades of experience helping clients transform their organisations and themselves. He is co-author of Service Design: From Insight to Implementation.

Bio (Short - 93 Words excluding URLs)

Dr. Andy Polaine is a design leadership coach, educator, speaker and writer who helps clients transform their organisations and themselves. For several years he worked at Fjord where he was global Group Design Director of Client Evolution. He is co-author of the book, Service Design: From Insight to Implementation. Andy has three decades of experience in design and innovation with clients across a broad range of industries. He holds a PhD from the University of Technology, Sydney and teaches on the MA Service Design at the Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland. He writes a popular newsletter called Doctor’s Note, hosts the Power of Ten podcast and shares his design leadership tips on his YouTube channel.

Dr. Andy Polaine is a design leadership coach, educator, and writer who helps clients build and grow their own design and innovation capability, transform their organisations and themselves. For several years he worked at Fjord where he was global Group Design Director of Client Evolution. He is co-author of the Rosenfeld Media book, Service Design: From Insight to Implementation, now a standard text for Service Design. Andy has nearly three decades of experience in design and innovation with clients across a range of industries, including financial services, public services, life sciences, telecommunications, automotive, media, design and education. He holds a PhD from the University of Technology, Sydney and teaches on the MA Service Design at the Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland. He can be found online at polaine.com, as @apolaine on Mastodon, Twitter as @apolaine. He writes a popular newsletter called Doctor’s Note and hosts the Power of Ten podcast, and shares his design leadership tips on his YouTube channel.

Bio (Long)

Dr. Andy Polaine is a design leadership coach, educator, and writer who helps clients build and grow their own design and innovation capability, transform their organisations and themselves. For several years he worked at Fjord where he was global Group Design Director of Client Evolution. Previously Andy was Fjord’s APAC Regional Design Director, based in Sydney, Australia.

Andy has been involved in interaction design since the early 90s and was co-founder of the award-winning new media group, Antirom, in London. He was a creative producer at Razorfish, UK and later Interactive Director at Animal Logic, Sydney. Andy was Senior Lecturer and Head of the School of Media Arts at The University of New South Wales, Sydney before moving to Germany and holds a PhD from the University of Technology, Sydney in which he examined the relationship between play and interactivity and he teaches on the MA Service Design at the Hochschule Luzern, Switzerland.

He has had a long career as an academic and independent consultant with nearly three decades of experience in design and innovation with clients across a range of industries, including financial services, public services, life sciences, telecommunications, automotive, media, design and education. He has written over 160 articles and papers and co-authored the Rosenfeld Media book, Service Design: From Insight to Implementation. Andy is a regular keynote speaker at conferences and events and can be found online at polaine.com, @apolaine on Mastodon, on Twitter as @apolaine and also on LinkedIn. He writes a popular newsletter called Doctor’s Note and hosts the Power of Ten podcast, and shares his design leadership tips on his YouTube channel.

Writing, Podcasting & Academia

Throughout my career I have found teaching to be the best way to learn and writing a powerful path to creative thinking. I co-wrote the book Service Design: from insight to implementation, published by Rosenfeld Media—now one of the standard texts for Service Design—and have written over 160 articles and papers over the years.

I host Power of Ten, a podcast about design working at different zoom levels, from thoughtful detail to large ecosystems. I write a newsletter called Doctor’s Note that contains a mix of longer form essays and short musing on design, innovation, culture, technology and society. Some of it appears on my blog, but you can sign up here to get it first.

Officially, I’m Dr. Polaine. I wrote my PhD thesis about interactivity and play. Prior to my work at Fjord, I led the Service Design specialisation on the MA Design at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland, where I still teach occasionally. For more information on my academic life and writing read the above bio or check out my full publications list.