10 Posts


Pirating 3D objects

Interesting piece in The New Scientist about pirate file-sharing moving into the realm of 3D objects thanks to the growth of cheap 3D printers. Of course the …

Higher Education is about to crash and burn, says Seth

I couldn’t help but agree with Seth Godin’s summary of the coming melt-down in higher education – it’s an almost perfect echo of the themes I …

In the Event of My Death

For my mother’s 70th birthday celebrations, my sister-in-law, Naisha, put together a book of family photos ranging from my mother and father’s …

Don Tapscott on the Demise of the University

Don Tapscott has a piece in Edge today called The Impending Demise of the University. In it he takes the same line that I have been for some time in Designing …

The future, like the past only more expensive

One of the aspects of the job of interaction design and strategy research is being asked the impossible task of predicting the future. It is a fool’s …

Jonathan Harris on the Creative Review Blog

I seem to have been writing about Jonathan Harris rather a lot recently. Following the piece on Flash on the Beach I wrote in Creative Review in November, an …

Designing Education's Future

I gave a presentation yesterday at Northumbria University’s School of Design’s staff conference called Designing Education’s Future: online, …

Paleo Future

Image: Paleo Future The future isn’t what it used to be. Whilst looking around for an image of a flying car for a presentation, I stumbled across the …

The Future of Broadcasting and the BBC

Although I still agree with much of Mark Pesce’s take on the Future of Television, Stephen Fry neatly sums up the worth of the BBC in an interesting …

Podcast of Creative Collaboration and The Future of Education

If you have been missing the sound of my voice (or have no idea what my faltering, mumbling sounds like) the podcast of my seminar at Urban Learning Space about …